TCS NYC Marathon 2022
Team Brave Like Gabe ran the TCS New York City Marathon on November 6th, 2022. As a team, they collectively raised close to $70,000 for rare cancer research! It was an amazing weekend of joy, hope, and teamwork—we are so grateful!
The Brave Like Gabe Foundation is honored to be an official charity partner for the TCS NYC Marathon. Founded by Gabriele Grunewald, the Brave Like Gabe Foundation exists to inspire people to share stories of being brave through their own struggles while also helping to find better and more effective treatments for rare cancers. Her legacy continues in all those sharing #mybravestory and choosing to keep running on hope. The Brave Like Gabe NYC Team is an example of an incredible group that inspires us to keep running on hope and raising money for cancer research.
This 2022 team is made up of mothers, friends, healthcare workers, artists, and cancer survivors. Please read more about why these amazing women chose to sign up for 26.2 miles in New York City below. Interested in running for us next year? More information coming soon!
Meet our 2022 BLG Charity Runners
Lauren Keller
“I am thrilled to have the opportunity to run the streets of New York City in November while proudly wearing "Brave Like Gabe" across my chest. I knew of Gabriele through dear friends and got to meet her at these dear friends' wedding in 2017. Her light and unwavering optimism was obvious then, and her story of professional running while being treated for her disease inspired me greatly.”
Lauren is most excited about “seeing NYC on foot and being part of an amazing experience.”
Rachel Klaski
“I have been following Gabe’s inspiring journey for years. Her story has inspired me as a runner and also in my career as a scientist working on cancer therapies. This foundation reminds me why I do the things that I love to do.”
Rachel is most excited about “meeting other Brave Like Gabe team members and Running NYC in honor of Gabe!”
Christine (right) and good friend Sue (left)
Christine Villa
“It’s been 14 years since I’ve last run the NY City Marathon. This year, I am so grateful for my very special friend, Susan Morse, who gave me the opportunity to run with her every step of the way by getting me a bib number. I will not only be running with her, but I will also be running in honor of her. In May 2020, Sue was diagnosed with a very rare cancer called Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma (ACC) with an average of 1220 people diagnosed annually in the United States. Since I found out Sue had cancer in 2020, my perspective of life has completely changed. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us.”
Sami Woehrle
“As a cancer survivor, the Brave Like Gabe organization is important to me because they give hope. Hope for more treatment options. Hope for time. Hope for cures. When I was diagnosed with kidney cancer five years ago, not only did I have treatment options, but because the cancer had not spread, I had promise of a cure, a feeling not granted to all who are diagnosed with cancer. The Brave Like Gabe Foundation funds research into rare cancers and provides hope for new discoveries so that more people and families can have options, choices, and a cure.”
Gina Middaugh
“I was originally signed up to run the New York Marathon in 2020, but covid hit and the race was cancelled. I deferred my entry to 2022 not quite knowing what 2021 would have in store. 2021 proved to be the most challenging year of my life, from finding out my father had pancreatic cancer, moving several hundred miles to help take care of him, and finally being there at the end with him when he died at home. So, dad, this race is for you! This is a chance for me to run in your honor and everyone else that has touched my life because cancer has touched theirs. It is for the survivors, the ones battling, and all those have lost their brave battles.”
Rosa Hernandez
“I was diagnosed with breast cancer in May 2019, a week shy of my 45 birthday. Luckily for me my diagnostic was pretty early, not a rare cancer and there was a treatment plan available for me. That is not the case with every cancer patient, some never have the chance to grab on to a treatment that can bring them hope. Please help me continue her legacy as we empower other cancer patients through exercise, research and the possibility of new treatments for rare cancer.” Read Rosa’s #mybravestory
Jacqueline Alnes
I "met" Gabe through social media years ago when I made a little series of two by two inch paintings of her as part of my "tiny art" project. She reached out to let me know she liked them, and told me we should try to print them to give to people as inspiration. She passed on before that happened, but with Justin and Abby's encouragement, I made prints of Gabe and sold them to raise money for Brave Like Gabe. I am really excited to finally run the NYC Marathon with BLG (I registered pre-COVID) and to be a part of a bigger community.”
Elleni Paulson
“This November I’m running the New York Marathon on behalf of Brave Like Gabe, an organization that works to support rare cancer research and empower cancer survivors through physical activity. For me, running is medicinal. It’s therapeutic, it’s empowering, it’s rejuvenating, and above all else, it gives me hope. Running reminds me that I am human — complete with all the aches, pains, and joys that come with it. It reminds me that I’m strong and capable, and that there’s something new around every corner — something to be hopeful for.”
Jillian Robinson
“I've done many races and fundraising efforts for Brave Like Gabe the past few years and an excited to make it "official" with this year's NYC Marathon. I've always resonated with the message of running on hope and never giving up. I've struggled with mental health issues for years, and while the cause may be different, the message of spreading hope is a powerful, sometimes lifesaving message.”
Annie Combs
“Gabe has been an inspiration to myself and a reminder often that it’s okay to struggle but not okay to give up. I’m running for survivors, with and for my friend Sami, my brother-in-law Adam, my dad, and all others who are fighting this disease and WINNING.”
Annie is most excited about, “running for a great cause, exploring New York through 26.2 miles, running with sisters and old friends and new friends, running in general!”
Melissa Anderson
“My first inspiration for running came at a very young age when I’d wake up in the early morning and see my mom on the treadmill training for the many goals she had. To this day she has inspired me to run my very best. The past few years she has dragged me on countless half marathon races and through these races and adventures my relationship with her has grown and become stronger. My motive for running the NYC Marathon on the Team Brave Like Gabe is to inspire my kids and future generations to know the amazing feeling of moving your body and getting out in the world to experience all the adventures one can.”
Martha Morrissey
“I am honored to run NYC Marathon and fundraise for Brave Like Gabe Foundation to support rare cancer research. I will be running in memory of my mom, who in July of 2018 died from rare cancer. Her diagnosis and death came within a few weeks and was a shock. As my mom did, I love spending time outside in nature. I feel connected with her when I spend time outside. I'll be training in the trails and roads around Boulder, CO to prepare for the NYC marathon.”
Rachel Michels
“I trained for and ran my first marathon on 10/10/10 with two friends. Since then, I’ve run many more marathons, halves, relays, and thousands more miles. I also became a huge running nerd. I love watching marathons, road races, track events, and following the lives and careers of professional and non-professional runners. I love the ways that running builds community-on small and large scales. The running community (my own and the larger one) has inspired me and taught me many things over the years. With the support of her family, friends, and the larger running community, Brave Like Gabe continues its mission to support rare cancer research and empower all cancer survivors through physical activity.”
Katie Schilla
“I was introduced to the Brave Like Gabe campaign by my sister and sister-in-law. Being the wife of a cancer survivor, this foundation quickly became close to my heart. Battling cancer in our family has influenced a lot of the choices we have made. Just like Gabe, my husband is committed to fight his diagnosis and continue to live his best life with resilience, hope and grace. Although Gabe lost her battle with cancer in 2019, she lives on through this foundation and has inspired so many, like me, to continue to run on hope! So I am honored to be running in the NYC marathon this November in support of Brave Like Gabe!”
Becky Younger
“In June 2022, I achieved a life time goal of breaking three hours in the marathon. It took 8 years, 6 failed attempts, and a lot of dedication to finally reach this moment. Throw in a year long severe injury that nearly took running away from my life, it was a dream come true. I am running the NYC Marathon this fall for my 10th marathon. I want NY to be a celebration of my achievements as well as an opportunity to make my running about something more than myself. Gabe's story touched my heart and I want to assist in continuing her legacy by fundraising for BLG.”
Liz Martino
Liz is fundraising for Brave Like Gabe in honor of her friend Sue Morse (who will be running the marathon with her). In this whole experience, she is most excited about “seeing NYC and running for this great cause!”
Sue Morse
Brave Like Gabe helped me get through my rare cancer diagnosis of Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma (ACC) and it helped me persevere through treatment. Learning about Gabe's story, her positive attitude and strength, and reading her many inspirational quotes helped me keep moving forward. I hope I can take that and inspire others who are newly diagnosed. Finding a community focused on raising funds for rare cancer research has given me and my family a lot of hope and we have enjoyed putting our energy into supporting such a wonderful foundation that has given so much to us!