Chamonix Mountain Running Festival 2022


Chamonix Mountain Running Festival was hosted on Aug 19th-21st, 2022


This past August in Chamonix Mont Blanc France, a group of runners from around the world gathered together to participate in a running festival.

Founded and directed by Chloë Lanthier, the Chamonix Mountain Running Festival has been around since 2018 and precedes the busy and world renown weekend of UTMB Mont Blanc trail races. The running festival is presented as an opportunity to learn, thrive, and be together. The theme this year was “Don’t be a runner. Be an athlete.” Participants spent time learning how to perform in trail races, mastering vertical skills and analysis of their individual form.

So what does this have to do with Brave Like Gabe?

The festival is a nonprofit event that chose the Brave Like Gabe Foundation to be the beneficiary. We are incredibly thankful and honored to accept the generous proceeds from the event.

Additionally, Gabe Grunewald was chosen along with 9 other elite runners including Tim Tollefson, Abby Hall, Fernanda Maciel, to speak at the event. For Gabe’s part, they presented an inspiring short film about Gabe. Justin Grunewald was also present to speak about Gabe’s resilience and bravery.

If this event interests you, please check out Chamonix Mountain Running Festival’s site for more information.

The photos above show some of the moments from the Running Festival that included speakers (like Justin Grunewald), learning opportunities, and community building.

Special thanks to Chloë Lanthier for your generous donation to fund rare cancer research

Brave Like Gabe Foundation