Name: Lisa Schild
Age: 42
Diagnosis: Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
Years of Survivorship: 7 years
Location: Stewartsville, MN
Follow Lisa on Instagram.
How has running or staying physically active affected your cancer journey?
Running gives you a lot of time to think about all that is going on in life and work through your emotions. After my last surgery, I was at my rock bottom physically. I realized this when I went hiking on vacation with my family and I was so close to giving up. Right when I got back from that trip, I decided I was going to invest in myself!
What advice do you have for people on staying fit throughout their cancer treatment or recovery?
Being active is a big part of being able to bounce back after tough cancer treatments like chemo, radiation, or surgeries. Start with short walks and build on those! Do a little more each day. You will be surprised how far you can get in a short period of time! Don't let your set-backs bring you down- let them motivate you! Encourage your family and friends to join you and motivate each other!
What are some of your proudest accomplishments since being diagnosed with cancer?
I ran the Rock N Roll 1/2 marathon after my first battle with cancer. That was a huge accomplishment to come back from! My friend who is an amazing runner could have left me in the dust, but she stuck by my side the whole run. The 2022 Brave Like Gabe 5K was another huge comeback for me. My goal was just to walk and finish it because 3 months prior, I couldn't even walk for 1 minute on the treadmill. I ran it with my brother and we finished way under our predicted time!
How has Gabe's story impacted you or changed the way you view life as a cancer survivor?
I was inspired by how Gabe kept doing what she loved even with a scary diagnosis. She was in the middle of fighting cancer—which oftentimes stops you in your tracks—and she kept running! She didn't let cancer take her life goals away. She gave so many people hope to keep going!
What does being #BraveLikeLISA mean to you?
I definitely don't hold out on living life! I take bucket-list trips and try to inspire those around me to do the same. I want to instill a love for travel into my kids, just as my parents have in me. Squeeze as much joy out of life as possible. Try new things!
What are you most looking forward to in the near future?
My husband and I are going to a concert at Red Rocks Amphitheater, which was once just a lofty dream, but we finally just decided to do it! I also am planning on running one of the Silo District Marathon Weekend races, which also contributes to Brave Like Gabe. And who knows—maybe meet Chip and Joanna :)
Lisa and her family have participated in every Brave Like Gabe 5K starting in 2018. Each year, they wear bright, unique “Lisa Strong” t-shirts in support of Lisa’s strength and resilience.
Lisa Strong crew at the 2022 BLG 5K
Lisa’s supporters at the 2021 BLG 5K
Lisa, Gabe, and a friend at the first annual Brave Like Gabe 5K in 2018