The 2022 Brave Like Gabe 5K in St. Paul, Minnesota


Photos courtesy of Ben Blair Photography and are protected under copyright, please contact for usage.

Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma is described as a relentless, persistent disease so we just need to be more persistent, more relentless and keep fighting
— Lisa Schild, ACC Survivor

Despite the weather forecast promising storms—the rain held off and our 5th Annual Brave Like Gabe 5K turned out to be perfect! This year was an extra special event as we celebrated Gabe’s birthday on June 25th by raising money for cancer research and going out for a run. Gabe passed away in June 2019 from Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma (ACC). Her legacy continues to inspire people to find better, more effective treatments for ACC and other types of rare cancers.

This year, as always, the proceeds from the BLG 5K will support donation of $70,000 to our partners at the Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Research Foundation, the superheroes funding critical research on Gabe’s specific type of cancer.

Caleb Anderson—Gabe and Abby’s brother commented,

“We think of Gabe symbolizing hope, she always had hope. When we think of Abby, we think of joy and how much of a bubbly personality she had, how she brought joy everyday, to every encounter… We have ‘Hopeful Joy’”

As you can see from the photos captured throughout the day—there’s unmistakable Hopeful Joy on everyone’s faces. Thank you to everyone signed up, volunteered, and celebrated with us on June 25th. We cannot wait for next year!


“We have Hopeful Joy

-Caleb Anderson, brother of Gabe Grunewald


Special thanks to our incredible partners WHo made the 5K possible:


If you are interested in sponsoring the Brave Like Gabe 5K please email .


"We run on hope. We run for research. We are not giving up."

- Gabe Grunewald (pro-runner, rare cancer advocate, and founder of the Brave Like Gabe Foundation)