Brave Like Gabe

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POSTPONED: Silo District Marathon in Waco, Texas

Brave Like Gabe is excited to announce the Silo District Marathon down in Waco, Texas will be postponed to the fall of 2020. It may sound weird saying we are excited, but we are are beyond grateful for everything our close friends down in Waco do to fight rare cancer and spread hope. At the same time, we could not be more proud of their efforts to help #flattenthecurve and keep us all safe.

We are certain that now with even more time to organize, this event will be even bigger, better and more hope-filled than the past two wonderful years. We hope you all enjoy the extra months of #runninngonhope in your lead-up to the fall event. We plan to continue our social distancing but look forward to friendly smiles and waves on our daily runs.

This race began after a serendipitous meeting between Chip Gaines and Gabe Grunewald in Central Park New York, where Chip shared his interest in running his first marathon, which led to the first ever Silo District Marathon in 2018.

We will be sure to keep you updated with future announcements on Silos District Marathon and can’t wait to see you in Waco.